Chủ Nhật, 3 tháng 2, 2013

Emmaus, Brighton

Yesterday I reviewed Flea market chic, the thrifty way to create a stylish home by Liz Bauwens and Alexandra Campbell. If this is your kind of style you will love the fabulous place that is Emmaus Brighton

Emmaus is not your average charity, it is a community of people working together...

"Emmaus Brighton & Hove is the largest Emmaus Community in the UK. We have 40 resident Companions who staff our two shops and café. We are situated in Portslade, Sussex 4 miles west of the centre of Brighton.
Emmaus Communities enable people to move on from homelessness, providing work and a home in a supportive, family environment. Companions, as residents are known, work full time collecting and reselling donated furniture. This work supports the Community financially and enables residents to develop skills, rebuild their self-respect and help others in greater need."

"If you've been to visit us at Emmaus Brighton then you'll probably have your own story to tell about what makes Emmaus special. It might be the bargains in our Second-hand superstore. It might be the peace and quiet in our secret garden. It might be the egg and chips in our cafe, or having a chat with one of our Companions who live and work onsite...the list goes on."

At the back end of last year I went to visit Emmaus, Brighton for the first time on a recommendation from one of my most stylish friends. We spent the morning perusing around the large sprawling complex with a series of different self standing shops on site offering goods for sale. Our first stop was the Emporium full of the best in vintage, retro, handmade and upcycled. There were the prettiest hand embroidered cushions, brightly coloured crochet blankets and perfect shabby chic bedlinen alongside fine china, glass and lovely retro furniture.
Then it was on to the secondhand superstore filled to the brim with clothes, bric-a-brac, furniture, kitchenware and more. Alongside the secondhand superstore was also the Good Will Co-op whose members, between them produce 100’s of items ranging from painted glass jars, knitted items, wooden bird boxes, jewellery, patchwork quilts, cushions, funky leg warmers, bags, cards, and paintings. "All the handmade gifts carry the name of the person who has given their time and creativity to make and as such connect the maker with the recipient of the gift."

Then it was time to rest our weary legs so we stopped off in the stylish Revive cafe for a cup of tea and a bite to eat. Each table is adorned with hand knitted flowers and the walls adorned with art! A beautiful place to admire your purchases...

After tea we were invited to see the fabulous new project "The Green house"...
"Continuing with our ethos of making the best of what we’ve been provided, we intend to focus our efforts on “greener things” and launch a new garden range of plants, shrubs, herbs as well as garden related furniture, tools, books, etc. We will give the products the Emmaus “upcycled” touch and transform planters, terracotta pots and any weird and wonderful objects for use in the garden or on a patio. You will find unique products and great ideas for your garden."
From the preview we were shown "they definitely have nailed it", I can't wait to return to get my hands on some great new treasures for my garden!

Embroidered cushions@Emmaus, Brighton

Baby shoes@Emmaus, Brighton

tea cup @Emmaus, Brighton

Emmaus, Brighton

Crochet blankets @Emmaus, Brighton

To stay up to date with all that is happening at Emmaus, Brighton, including secret sales and more follow them on Twitter and to see more photos of the treasures you can find at Emmaus check them out on Pinterest.

Have a sweet day!

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