Thứ Năm, 1 tháng 12, 2011

Glittered snow bird house

Winter Wonderland bird house

After decorating my Winter Wonderland bird house, I loved it so much I bought five more! I have finished two of them which I am sharing with you today.

Glittered snow bird house
Tools and Materials

Glittered snow bird house, How-to step by step
Glittered snow bird house - steps 1-4
After removing the rope loop from the top of the house, paint the entire house white and leave to dry. Then, carefully paint the roof and top of the tower in aqua and leave to dry. Turn upside down and paint base of house in pink colour, leave paint to dry. Once the entire house is painted and dry it is now time to glitter.

Glittered snow bird house - steps 5-8
Brush PVA glue onto the entire house so you have a nice even coat, then immediately sprinkle with coarse glitter before the glue starts to dry. Tap house lightly to remove excess glitter and leave to dry. Make the ribbon into a loop and knot ends, threading ends of loop through top of house and hot glue gun the ribbon in place. Brush PVA glue along the top of the roof and on the peak of the tower, then immediately sprinkle with white glitter before the glue starts to dry.

Bird decal
Using a hot glue gun, glue the back of the brad and stick over the hole in the front of the house.

Glittery Snow Bird House

I can't wait to decorate my Christmas tree!

Have a sweet day!

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