Thứ Bảy, 5 tháng 1, 2013

Raspberry & Chocolate mousse filled chocolate houses

Last year I made chocolate snowflakes filled with chocolate mousse that were yummy! so when the lovely peeps at Wholeport sent me a houses mould I knew I wanted to fill them with chocolate mousse but as they were deeper than the snowflake mould I decided to also fill them with a raspberry mouse so they were not to rich. I tried to make the layer of chocolate thinner on the houses than the snowflakes but sadly I got it too thin at the bases of some of the houses which caused some of the chocolate to break off, so I have adjusted the recipe to include a little more chocolate.

Chocolate House mousse (makes 6 Houses)

  • 100g white chocolate drops
  • Aqua chocolate colouring (must be chocolate colouring as regular food colouring will cause chocolate to seize and ruin)
  • 300g double cream
  • Pinch of caster sugar
  • 300g milk chocolate drops
  • 200g double cream
  • Pinch of caster sugar
  • 200g fresh raspberries blended into a puree
  • Icing sugar for dusting

Silicone houses mould

Cooking instructions

  • Melt white chocolate and stir in food colouring.
  • Pour coloured white chocolate into moulds and, using a brush, coat sides of moulds in chocolate and leave to set.
  • Place 300g of cream in a bowl with a pinch of caster sugar and whip until soft peaks form.
  • Melt 200g of milk chocolate in the microwave on a low heat or in a double boiler on the hob, continuously stirring so as not to overheat.
  • Stir melted chocolate into whipped cream until you have an even coloured mousse.
  • Spoon mousse into chocolate coated house moulds and place in fridge to firm.
  • Place 200g of cream in a bowl with a pinch of caster sugar and whip until soft peaks form.
  • Stir blended raspberries into whipped cream until you have an even coloured mousse.
  • Spoon mousse into chocolate coated house moulds on top of chocolate mousses and place in fridge to firm.
  • Melt remaining 100g of milk chocolate and coat the top of the mousse with milk chocolate to seal in mousse.
  • Place in fridge to set.
  • Turn out house filled moulds just before serving and dust with sieved icing sugar.

Mousse filled Chocolate house

Inside my chocolate house

Have a sweet day!

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